Natural Resources Inventory

The Hampstead Conservation Commission has overseen the creation of a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) for the town. An NRI lists and describes important, naturally occurring resources within a given locality, and includes maps, associated data and information sources, and a descriptive report. It provides the basis for conservation planning, and allows natural resources information to be included in local planning and zoning.

Potential uses include:

  • Document current conditions so changes over time can be assessed
  • Develop a conservation plan
  • Educate local officials and the public about natural resources
  • Initiate and support land protection efforts
  • Provide a basis for land use planning efforts
  • Develop or update the natural resources section of the municipal master plan
  • Evaluate the effects of proposed land use and zoning changes
  • Develop amendments to existing zoning ordinances
  • Screen development proposals

A group of four UNH seniors worked with the Commission on the NRI as their "Natural Resources 775 Senior Project" in the 2006 Spring semester. The results of their work is available as a presentation or as a detailed report. Maps referenced in the report are also available: 

Not referenced in the report, but very useful in assessing the state of the Town:

Reference Materials:

  • NRI Slide Show from UNH Cooperative Extension
  • Natural Resources: An Inventory Guide for NH Communities from UNH Cooperative Extension. Note: this file will not open in your web browser, and I'm not sure why. If you want to look at this file you need to download it to your computer and open it with Adobe Acrobat.