Hampstead Town Newsletter - 10/22/2021

Hampstead School District

Progress on the Central School renovation continues to go as planned. The project remains on schedule to complete the majority of the work before Thanksgiving, and the finishing touches before winter break in December.  All construction trailers, dumpsters and equipment should be removed before the end of the year.

We continue to look for new substitute teachers and paraeducators to join our wonderful staff.  If you, or someone you know, is interested please visit the school district website  http://hampsteadschools.ss19.sharpschool.com/, click on employment and apply today!

We have completed our first Safer at School onsite testing to detect COVID-19 at the Hampstead Central School. There were 50 students and staff members who signed up to be tested. There were no positive tests as a result. The next session will be held later this month at the Middle School. Please look for the email from HMS Principal DiNola and sign up if you wish to have your student tested, it's 100% voluntary.

Both of our schools are offering new clubs for our students, and emails have been sent out to parents with links on how to sign up. This will be the first session of our school clubs - be on the lookout for future clubs. After school transportation has been set up to bring student club members home. This will be a late bus style drop off, and bus stops may not be at your normal stop.

Our next School Board meeting will be on 10/26/21 at 7:00pm at the Middle School cafeteria.

Reminder: All school board meetings will be livestreamed on the HSD channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtrHv9UP1RTjFc_6CORYKmQ 


Hampstead Library

Pavilion Project
After consulting with building contractors and town officials, the Hampstead Public Library Board of Trustees plans to build a 20 x 40 ft. shingle-roofed, pavilion (similar to Ordway Park) on the front lawn to facilitate outdoor programs and events. The proposed structure will be wheelchair-accessible and equipped with electricity and wireless internet connection. 

We need your help. The Library Pavilion Project will be funded entirely by grants and donations from community members like you. To kick-off this massive fundraising effort, the Hampstead Public Library is asking the public to sponsor a commemorative brick to be incorporated into the finished walkway linking the new pavilion to the parking lot.

Bricks can be purchased to commemorate a loved one, celebrate a birth or special event, publicize a business or highlight your club or organization. Inscribed with your personal message each brick purchased supports our ongoing mission to enrich present lives, encourage lifelong learning, and prepare for our ever-changing future. To order a brick, please go to https://www.fundraisingbrick.com/online-orders/hampstead/ 

Check out the group events that happen at the library!
The Spinners and Knitters group meets the second Saturday of each month from 10am to 12pm. It is comprised mainly of knitters and spinners, who create their own yarn on spinning wheels. However, all needle-workers are welcome to join.

Bridge Club has returned to the Library on Mondays, starting at 1 pm. Players of all levels are welcome. Come meet old friends or make new ones. Please note: no instruction is given, and the club does not meet on weeks where there is a Monday holiday.

Stay in touch with the Hampstead Public Library and be notified of upcoming events! 

Click here to sign up for the Library newsletter


Hampstead Conservation Commission

Hampstead Trail System Hunting Advisory
Please be aware that hunting could take place on our trail system between now and mid-December. For safety, please wear blaze orange on yourself and your dog(s) during this period.

The Conservation Commission has established rules for our conservation land that indicate hunting is not allowed on most of our properties. However, the land is not properly posted to prevent hunting, so legally, hunting can occur on our conservation land. Also, large parts of the trail system are on privately owned conservation land, and our rules don't apply there. Having said all this, most hunters will avoid places with a lot of human activity, but you never know.

For deer hunting, archery season is 9/15 - 12/15, muzzleloader season 10/30 - 11/9, and shotgun season 11/10 - 12/5.

For turkey hunting, archery is 9/15 - 12/15 and shotgun is 10/11 - 10/17.

Please be safe out there.

Story Time in the Woods
Mark your calendars! We are going to have another Story Time in Woods on Sunday, October 24 at 11:00am!

Please meet at the West Road parking lot for the Western Conservation Land. The Conservation Commission with help from the Hampstead Library will host a short walk through the woods to read a story about hibernation, followed by a nature treasure hunt! Bring water, a blanket to sit on, a snack if you’d like, and possibly bug spray. This is geared towards kids ages 3-7 but all ages are welcome. If you have any questions please email Erin - erinmurray1511@gmail.com

West Road Conservation Area 5k Loop
Thanks to Ethan Charles and Boy Scout Troop 33 Hampstead, the Hampstead Conservation Commission is pleased to introduce the "Hampstead Community 5k Cross Country Route". Ethan implemented this 5k route in the West Road Conservation Area as part of his Eagle Scout project. The route starts/finishes at the West Road parking lot and is marked on the trails with posts with 5k text, directional arrows, and mile markers. It will help users of the trails easily navigate a longer route through the various trails. The downloadable "Western - Complete" map has been updated to include the 5k course and a new map called "Western - 5k" has a zoomed in view and written trail descriptions. Both maps are GPS enabled and compatible with Avenza and can be downloaded here: https://www.hampsteadnh.us/conservation-commission/pages/trail-maps

QR codes and download directions are also available for both maps at the West Road trailhead.

Let's all give a big thank you to Ethan and Boy Scout Troop 33 for this great new addition for the Hampstead community!


Hampstead Recreation Committee

Turkey Trot
The Hampstead Turkey Trot sign ups are open. Please click on the following link to sign up online: https://runsignup.com/Race/NH/Hampstead/HampsteadTurkeyTrot 

Sign ups must be received by November 1st to receive a shirt! You can sign up after November 1st or on the day of the event but you will not receive a 2021 Turkey Trot t-shirt.     

For more information on the event: https://sites.google.com/site/recreationhampstead/events-lessons/turkey-trot 

Questions? Please email: hampsteadrec@gmail.com

Senior Citizens Holiday “Pick Up” Dinner - Saturday, December 4th

Sign ups are open for the Holiday Senior dinner. Deadline to sign up is November 17th*.

Hampstead Recreation Commission will be holding a drive-thru holiday dinner again this year.  While we know this isn't the same as our traditional Senior Holiday Dinner, we are looking forward to providing a nice meal to enjoy. Guests will drive around the back of St. Anne's Parish and pick up meals between 12:00 and 1:00pm on Saturday December 4th. You will pull up behind St. Annes and your meal of cheese and crackers, turkey, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, vegetable, cranberry sauce, roll and a delicious dessert will be brought out to you (you will not need to leave your car).

To sign up for your free dinner, please email hampsteadrec@gmail.com (Email is the preferred method of contact. However, if you need to call, the number is 603-329-4200 x112. Please leave names of all attending, phone number and street address) 

*Important Note: You must be a Hampstead Resident to attend/participate in the scenario dinner. Please bring your driver's license.  

Movie Nights
Thank you to all who came out to enjoy our two movie nights. We have purchased a bigger screen and will be offering more movie nights next season!

Senior Socials
Senior Coffee socials are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at the meeting house from 9:15am-11:45am. The next social is on October 28th. Superintendent Bob Thompson will be there to talk about and get input on the school district's 5 year strategic plan. You do not need to sign up ahead of time, just come and enjoy coffee, snacks and conversation.

(Note: there will be no Coffee Social in November)


Hampstead Patriotic Committee

Veterans Day ceremonies are tentatively planned for November 11 @ 11am at Hampstead Middle School. As we get closer to the date we will communicate more details.


Hampstead Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW)

If you have served on foreign soil, you may be eligible to join the Hampstead VFW Post.  If you are interested, contact the Post Commander Howie Steadman at 603-329-4288.


Hampstead Police Department

Congratulations Sgt. Dyer
HPD is pleased to announce that Sgt. Dyer was the recipient of the NH Congressional Law Enforcement Award for Dedication and Professionalism. Sgt. Dyer received the award at a ceremony held in Concord tonight. This award is a testament to Sgt. Dyer’s investigative prowess and his relentless effort to seek justice for victims. Sgt. Dyer was nominated for the award after he solved a commercial burglary that was done by a criminal syndicate out of Providence, Rhode Island. This syndicate was responsible for more than $700,000 worth of thefts throughout New England. Congratulations Sgt. Dyer!

Halloween in Hampstead
This year, Hampstead's Trick or Treat will take place on Sunday 10/31/2021 from 6 PM to 8 PM. As a friendly reminder masks are optional and encouraged but not required.

National Drug Take Back Day
Chief Beaudoin is pleased to announce that on Saturday October 23rd, 2021, HPD will be participating in a National Drug Take Back Day. Residents are urged to drop off any old prescription medications. We cannot accept needles or liquids. We will have an officer assigned to our lobby from 10 AM to 2 PM. Please swing down and say hi to one of your officers and safely dispose of any old medications!


Hampstead Fire Department

Do you have your burning permit?
A reminder to all that no fire shall be kindled without obtaining a written permit. To obtain a permit, please stop by the fire station. Permit issuance hours are 6:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.  With the exception of a rainy day, no burning will be allowed before 5:00 p.m.

Click here to print Burning Permit Application.

On the day you wish to burn, you will call the station first to check if it is a “permitted burn day” per NH Forests & Lands, then you will give your permit number.

If you have any further questions regarding permits, please feel free to call (603) 329-6006 or stop by the station. For more information https://www.hampsteadnh.us/fire-department/pages/burning-permits


Hampstead Trash & Recycling

Household Hazardous Waste
Waste Oil, car batteries and thermostats are collected at the Town Garage on the first and third Saturdays of the month 8 am to 1 pm. 

Holidays that Delay Trash Pickup
Not sure which holidays delay trash pick-up? 2021 holidays are listed below:

Memorial Day: Monday, May 31     

Independence Day, Monday, July 5 (legal observance of holiday)                     

Labor Day, Monday, September 6

Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 25   

Example: Monday holiday will push Monday to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday and Thursday to Friday.

Have you heard about the Swap Shop? 
A great place to drop off items in good condition and to pick up a new treasure. Donations are accepted the 2nd Saturday of every month and browse & take home occurs on the 3rd Saturday of every month. Located at the Transfer Station - 311 Kent Farm Rd, Hampstead, NH

For more details and list of what’s accepted please visit https://www.hampsteadnh.us/sites/g/files/vyhlif661/f/news/swap_shop_flyer_2021.pdf

Looking for details on bulk item disposal? Need a vehicle sticker for the Transfer station? Get the answers to these questions and more online: https://www.hampsteadnh.us/recycling-waste-disposal


Hampstead Code Enforcement Office

As a reminder to those Residents of Hampstead citizens living in zoned residential areas (basically any non-recreational, non-mobile home, and non-commercial area of the town):

Cargo trailers are prohibited for a period of more than three weeks, except by a special exception from the Board of Adjustment. The long-term use of a cargo trailer shall not be detrimental to the neighborhood.

Any questions should be directed to the town Code Enforcement office: https://www.hampsteadnh.us/building-health-code-enforcement


Upcoming Meetings and Events

You can see any upcoming committee meetings and events on the town calendar at https://www.hampsteadnh.us/calendar


Share your News!

Want to contribute your town committee or department information for publication in the next newsletter? Contact the Communication Committee by visiting: https://www.hampsteadnh.us/communication-committee


Sign Up!

If you would like to sign up for the Town Newsletter, please visit https://www.hampsteadnh.us/subscribe and check off the box next to "Communication Committee" in the "News or Announcement" section.