Town Voting Day Tuesday!

Town Voting Day - Tuesday, March 14th, 8am-8pm
Second Session of the Annual Meeting (Voting) - March 14th, 8am - 8pm
The Voting session allows Hampstead registered voters to elect officers of the Town by official ballot, to vote on questions required by law to be inserted on said official ballot, and to vote on all Warrant Articles from the First Session.

Voting will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2022 at the Hampstead Middle School at 28 School Street from 8:00am - 8:00pm.

A copy of the official town Voter Guide can be found at

A copy of the town warrant, the breakdown of the town budget, and any related documentation for articles within the warrant can be found at

A copy of the candidates running for election as well as a sample ballot can be found at

A copy of the school district warrant, the breakdown of the school budget, and any related documentation for articles within the warrant can be found at

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