WRC Water Survey

The Hampstead Water Resource Committee (HWRC) needs your help! The quality and quantity of
the water supply in Hampstead is of great importance to the future of our town. We want to find
out which issues are considered the most important by residents and businesses and focus our
efforts accordingly.


For more information about the HWRC, including resources and meeting
information please visit our website at https://www.hampsteadnh.us/water-resource-committee
or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Town-of-Hampstead-NH-Water-Resources-Committee

You can also email the HWRC at hwrc.all@gmail.com

This anonymous survey takes about 5 minutes to complete. Results will be published after
the survey ends on May 25, 2021. You are welcome to leave additional comments.

If you would like to receive future information from the HWRC, please include your contact
information at the end of the survey.